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Joseph Fratoni

President & CEO

My path to founding One Green Apple has been diverse. I have been involved in many different fields, in leadership roles in privately-held companies and worked on matters of national security. A common thread has been the need to improve communication and coordination among people to get things accomplished. And although technology can be helpful, my experience has been that personal engagement, working as a team, explaining not only what we do, but why we are doing it, results in achieving goals quickly and effectively.

Education is important; it is the greatest gift we, as parents and community, can provide to our children. As an ice hockey coach, I knew that athletics was an opportunity to help instill confidence, drive, and respect for others in my players. Coaching wasn’t always about hockey, and it wasn’t always easy, but it was an opportunity to make a difference in their lives. Teachers and parents face these same issues every day. I want to help make it easier for them to work as a team.

With One Green Apple, I’m bringing the best of my experience to support school administrators, teachers, and parents – the people who make a positive, meaningful impact on our children every day. I want to provide tools to our clients that will help them achieve their common goal of helping students succeed.