
Becoming more connected and a better partner.
One Green Apple’s OPUS℠ – the Online Parent Understanding System – was developed to help all parents better understand how their student is doing in school, provide a simple way to connect with teachers, and share insights from home so they can be leveraged in class to strengthen student achievement.


Mobile Notifications

OPUS is mobile, delivering real insight into what’s happening at school around such issues as academics, behavior and attendance. Parents receive regular updates pushed out to their phones and access to more detail with a single tap.

Easy Communication

Dialoguing through OPUS is easy. Using an intuitive texting system, parents and teachers can support one another, working toward strategies together that support the student. Languages get translated within OPUS, increasing the opportunity for non-native speakers to engage in a more consistent and compelling conversation.

Shape Strategies that Support Learning

Parents who provide valuable data through OPUS about what the student is doing at home will give teachers a more complete picture of that student and greater opportunity to shape strategies that support learning.

Get started

Connect with us today to learn more about OPUS and help bring OPUS to your school community: